Illogical He

How would you describe a slave to ruler of a great country?

How would you describe a teenager defeating a 9 foot veteran soldier?

How would you describe losing everything in one day and gaining everything back in double fold?

How would you describe marching round a thick walled building and shouting just to collapse it?

How would you describe pointing a stick on a sea and expecting it to part ways?

How would you describe a child born of a virgin?

How would you describe a woman giving birth at 80+?

There is One who is responsible for all the aforementioned rare cases. And from time to time He defies logic just to prove something.

If these feats are anything to go by,  then it is important to listen, trust and obey God because in it are rewards far beyond our expectations.

*Joseph, David, Job, Walls of Jericho, Moses, Mary, Sarah


One thought on “Illogical He

  1. Oluwaseun Okunlola says:

    It is only as we understand that He is not entirely understandable that we open ourselves to the wonder of relationship with the One who wants to be known but cannot be captured by our finite minds.


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